Outlander season 7 episode 16 (finale) promo: Life or death

In two weeks’ time, you are going to see Outlander season 7 episode 16 — in other words, the much-anticipated finale.
Is this going to be a highly emotional event? Without getting too dramatic about it, let’s just say that you better believe it. We are, after all, entering “A Hundred Thousand Angels” knowing that Claire Fraser’s life is on the line, to the extent that Jamie is willing to leave his spot in the Army behind in order to be at her side. Are we cautiously optimistic that we are going to see her emerge in one piece? Sure, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy. Also, this does not mean that everyone else is going to come out of this unscathed…
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The first thing that we should note here is just how expansive the finale is going to be. Based on the promo, just about every notable character is going to have at least some sort of presence. Not only that, but you are also going to be seeing the war continue all around everyone. Resources are scarce, and that means that Denzell is going to face so much responsibility when it comes to saving Claire exclusively.
Is every single storyline going to get closure within this finale That’s a tricky thing to answer, mostly because so much of the season was planned with the thinking that it could be the last one. That is no longer the case. While we do think that there are going to be at least some stories resolved, we imagine that there will be at least a few things we are left to think about after the fact. (One thing we don’t want to think about? How long a hiatus we are probably stuck with before season 8 premieres…)
Related – Get an even better sense of what is ahead now on Outlander season 7 episode 16
What do you think we are going to see moving into the Outlander season 7 finale?
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