Deal or No Deal Island season 2 video: Parvati’s strategy

With the premiere of Deal or No Deal Island season 2 coming in just over a week on January 7, why not learn more about the players now?
After all, we are entering this new season with an interesting and complicated look at the game. It seems like there are going to be a lot of fun personalities, but a lot of them are going to go under the radar because of three reality TV titans. Parvati Shallow and Dr. Will Kirby are two of the most notable personalities in the history of the genre, and they are going to take up a lot of air time. If you are on this show just trying to get attention, they probably need to be your early targets … but it is never that easy.
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If you head over to the link here, you can see a new Deal or No Deal Island video where Parvati in particular lays out how she plans on using all of her skills, from her influence to her charm, to try and win the game. She claims that if she needs to become a cult leader, then so be it. She is going to be a huge target, but Boston Rob showed last season that with a little bit of skill and luck, you can still go far.
Now, this brings us to the third reality TV icon here in David Genet, who has won Australian Survivor and is incredibly charismatic in his own right. However, Parvati may be able to get him under her thumb because, based on that video, she may be the only person out there familiar with his reality TV history. If he wants to manage his threat level, working with her could end up being a priority early on.
Related – Learn more now about Deal or No Deal Island and what lies ahead
What are you most eager to see moving into Deal or No Deal Island season 2?
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