Silo season 2 episode 7 sneak peek: Solo pleads for help

In just a matter of days, Silo season 2 episode 7 is going to air on Apple TV+ — so what all is going to be coming up story-wise?
Of course, it is pretty darn easy to say at this point that there is a lot of drama ahead at Silo 18 as Bernard has to find a way to keep the peace … or, at least his brand of peace. The more that Knox and Shirley operate against him, the closer and closer we could get to disaster.
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For the sake of this article, though, we want to put a little bit more of the focus here on Juliette and Solo, mostly because this storyline has already proven to be all sorts of unhinged. For example, it is clear that Steve Zahn’s character is lying to a certain extent about who he is, which leaves the door very-much open to him lying about a lot of other things. We know that he saved Juliette at the end of episode 6, but he did so under the assumption that she would then help to keep the water leaves from rising. Basically, he made it into a threat!
Now if you head over to The AV Club now, you can see her try to negotiate a deal where if he lets her go back to her home, she will 100% come back once she has helped some of her people. Why is that? Well, Solo still has time.
Yet, Solo is not altogether willing to hear this, as he argues that there are a million different reasons why she may not come back. Even if she wants to, she could end up dying on the way back or locked up by her own people. Solo seems to recognize that this is the only time he’s got leverage … and with that, he is ready to use it.
Related – Be sure to learn more about what is ahead moving into the next Silo episode
What do you think we are going to see moving into Silo season 2 episode 7?
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