Blue Bloods series finale: Eddie pregnant; are Erin, Jack married?

There are so many different reveals that we could dive into following the Blue Bloods series finale — so, where do we even start?
Well, the first bit of news here is something that we very-much saw coming: Jamie and Eddie are expecting a baby! She made that clear at family dinner, one that was attended by everyone from Nicky to both of Danny’s sons and also Joe Hill.
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Meanwhile, are Erin and Jack actually getting married again? Well, they plotted during the episode having a City Hall ceremony, but we think that they deliberately chose to not announce it at dinner to allow Jamie and Eddie to have their moment. They can plot towards their future, and we tend to think that Danny and Baez have one of their own. He asked her out to pizza and while that hardly seems like the most romantic date out there, it could turn into a lot more and the intention is clear.
While we do think some out there may have wanted a possible spin-off tease or some other really surprising reveal, this felt true to Blue Bloods through and through — it had moments that justified it being the final episode, and also signified some sort of future change for the Reagans. Yet, it also remained the same show that a lot of people loved over the years. While it is fair to want more in the end after all of this, it also does feel like the finale ended in a way where everyone can continue to hold their heads high.
What an incredible run the past 14 years, and it ended in the way that made the most sense — with one last moment at the dinner table.
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.