House of the Dragon season 3 premiere date: Dec. 2024 update

Is there a chance that we are going to learn anything more on House of the Dragon season 3 between now and the end of December? Obviously, this is one of those things that we’d love nothing more than to see.
With that being said, though, a certain amount of realistic expectations are important in times like this, no? There is little to no reason to think that there are going to be more details out there about the HBO epic for quite some time, and for a multitude of different reasons. Take, for starters, the fact that shooting has yet to even start!
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Based on some of the various intel that has surfaced online, our sentiment is that at some point by the end of March, the Game of Thrones prequel should be back in production and will likely stay there within the several months after the fact. The idea seems to be here to have the schedule open for a potential launch at some point in 2026, though we imagine it will not be until at least the summer of that year, if not later. Gone are the days where we can get a show like this every 12-15 months, which we do think is detrimental to a certain extent. It makes it so that on some level, there is less reason to stick with a project year in and year out. Sure, it does also make House of the Dragon into more of an event when it returns, but for this particular instance you are asking people to stick with a show that deprived you of an enormous battle at the end of last season. Now, you have to hope the anticipation stays there.
If the following paragraph did not make it clear enough, season 3 should begin with the Battle of the Gullet from Fire & Blood, one of the most important and deadly conflicts the story is meant to tell. Odds are, it is going to be as crazy and as expensive as anything we’ve seen on this show. Unless we hear something about casting this month, we imagine that you’re going to be waiting a LONG time for any other news — including a premiere date. Prepare accordingly.
Related – See more chatter now about House of the Dragon season 3 filming
What are you most hoping to see across House of the Dragon season 3 when it premieres?
Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do, keep coming back — there are some other updates on the way.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.