Landman season 1 episode 6 spoilers: Who gets surprised?

As many of you may be aware at this point, Landman season 1 episode 6 is coming to Showtime next weekend. What more can be said now?
Well, first and foremost, it is certainly clear that we are far into the season at this point and through that, it feels like almost anything could happen. Is it possible that we’re getting more danger? We would not be shocked, especially since it’s been a while since we’ve seen something akin to what you can see above. It also then makes sense that we’d get a big storyline for Cooper, largely because he was front and center for a lot of it in the pilot.
Here is what we can say about Landman season 1 episode 6 right now — the title is “Beware the Second Beating,” and the synopsis below helps to set the stage:
Angela gets caught off-guard when visiting Victor; the Norris family rallies around Cooper during his time of need.
Now if there is a big question that we all should be wondering about at this point, it is how in the person the show is going to justify the time spent on Angela’s story — how does Tommy’s family, save for Cooper, significantly impact life in the patch? That has been the hardest part of the entire story to digest so far, and there is not exactly any indicator out there that some sort of clarity is going to be coming up soon.
Speaking of clarity, we do keep waiting to see when a Landman season 2 is going to be announced. While it has not happened yet, we do feel reasonably confident in saying that it is sure to at some point. It is just hard to imagine a situation here where Paramount+ decides they are done with this show. Even if some of the reaction to it is mixed, the viewership is 100% there for a renewal.
What are you the most excited to check out heading into Landman season 1 episode 6?
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