Survivor 47 episode 13: Ranking the final six!

On Wednesday night Survivor 47 episode 13 is going to arrive and with that, the first part of the finale event is here. Who is going to win? It feels like there’s a consensus favorite, but this is a crazy game and with that, crazy moves happen sometimes. We certainly did not expect Operation Italy to transpire how it did!
With all of this in mind, let’s just look for a moment ad where we think the final six stand at the moment based on a number of different factors. Sure, editing is a part of it, but so is gameplay, number of idols / advantages, plus threat level.
6. Teeny – It’s just hard to envision any scenario based on the edit so far where she wins. We can see her making it to the final three, but that’s about it.
5. Sue – We feel fairly similar about Sue that we do with Teeny, with the real difference here being that she at least has an immunity idol and that could be something that she can add to her resume at the end … but a win is still unlikely.
4. Sam – Good on him for making it this long, and for being able to do what he has when it comes to being adaptable in the game. Yet, he really can’t claim ownership of a single move directly and that could hurt him. He would still beat Sue and Teeny at the end, though.
3. Andy – This is where things get tricky. He is the primary push behind Operation Italy and that is an iconic move that should get him consideration for a returning-player season. However, he also wasn’t treated as much of a threat beforehand, and is a huge target moving forward.
2. Genevieve – If she makes it to the end, we think she beats anyone. She’s got more big moves to her name than anyone, and even the little things she and Sam did during Operation Italy were smart. Her problem is that she is likely voted out soon unless she wins challenges or finds a real idol.
1. Rachel – She’s just got way too much going for her and feels like the most obvious winner at this point in a while. (It’s between her and Dee insofar as obvious New Era winners go.) She’s shown she can win challenges; also, she has both an advantage and an idol. Depending on how she plays these, the only good chance to get her out may be at final four.
Related – Learn more about what is ahead on the next Survivor 47 episode
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