Silo season 2 episode 4: Is Judge Meadows dead?

We had a good feeling heading into Silo season 2 episode 4 that something could happen when it comes to Judge Meadows. After all, how in the world would Bernard be able to justify letting her out? Sure, it felt like the two had some sort of history, but that did not necessarily mean that he would be so obliged to lend her a helping hand. This is still one of the show’s central villains, after all!
In the end, we saw this story play out in precisely that way. Meadows is dead, and it happened at Bernard’s own hands — he poisoned her using mushrooms at a private dinner the two of them shared. Meanwhile, he then worked to set it up as a frame job, using Knox and the “rebels” as a way to show that he was really out to restore order and that they were the bad ones.
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If you ever needed a reminder that nobody is a schemer in the way that Bernard is, this episode provided that and then some. It proved to be endlessly entertaining for sure, but also gave us a great opportunity to learn a little bit more about whether or not there is a way to seize power over him. The closest that we got to this was seeing Knox and company actually work in order to ensure that they could shut off the power in the Silo to ensure they had a meeting with Meadows in the first place. It was compelling, though it also backfired and they played directly into Bernard’s hands.
Still, if you get enough people together against those in power, is there a way to alter the course of everything? That is something that, coming out of this episode, we are at least a little bit more curious about. It is pretty darn hard not to be.
What did you think about the events of Silo season 2 episode 4 tonight?
Also, what did you think about the death of Judge Meadows? Share right now in the attached comments, and also come back — there are a lot of other updates ahead.