Peacemaker season 2 spoilers: EP on ‘surprising’ story

Peacemaker season 1
Photo: Max

The arrival of Peacemaker season 2 is going to be coming at some point next year, presumably on the other side of James Gunn’s Superman movie. This is obviously going to be a huge show for Gunn, but also for the future of his upcoming DC Universe at the same time.

Will parts of the John Cena show be connected? It feels that way, at least per a new Gunn profile over at The Hollywood Reporter. However, that is not the case when it comes to the Justice League appearance at the end of the first season … and for reasons that can not be entirely spelled out.

Meanwhile, Gunn also had the following to say about the next chapter, especially through the lens of just how crazy things could be:

“Season 2 of Peacemaker is also going to take people by surprise … We take a very different route than the first season, and it’s a really magical story that people are going to be blown away by.”

We hope that in the case, especially when it comes to there being a combination of comedy, action, humor, and joy. One of the things that Gunn has excelled at over the years is knowing that a show or movie is not just one thing; hopefully, most of the DC world moving forward is a true echo of that.

On the Superman front, the biggest thing that we will say here is that the bar is sky-high when it comes to matching the greatness that we had a chance to see within Superman & Lois. It was able to do that with a minuscule budget, and we tend to think that a lot of the other projects on the big screen are substantially more expensive.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Peacemaker right now, including more discussion about possible premiere dates

What do you most want to see moving into Peacemaker season 2, no matter when we get it?

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