Shrinking season 2 episode 9: Is Louis really gone?

Before we got a chance to see Shrinking season 2 episode 9, we definitely wondered if the story for Brett Goldstein was over. Jimmy told Louis that he forgave him; however, he also wanted him to go away and never spend time with his friends or family again.
Do we understand why he did this? Sure, as Jason Segel’s character understandably would want no constant reminder around of how his wife died. Yet, at the same time, the conditional nature of it made the story feel incomplete. Also, we invested time in Louis, who made a horrible decision in getting behind the wheel and has paid dearly for it. We invested in that character, and this particular ending was, suffice it to say, abrupt.
As a matter of fact, you can argue that Shrinking season 2 episode 9 is one of the weakest of the series with how it complete swept Louis under the rug and did not really mention him in the midst of some other stories. If that’s the end of the storyline, it just doesn’t work.
Yet, this is where we sweep in saying that it probably isn’t the end and that Louis could end up having a surprising role to play still down the road. We do tend to think that this is a story about hope, forgiveness, and moving forward — even if there are a lot of dark moments here and there. Our feeling is that something will cause Jimmy to realize that he did not really mean it when he said he forgave him, and we are still going to circle back to this at some point. It may just require a certain amount of patience through the remaining three episodes.
With all of this being said, we do 100% think that the Goldstein story will be wrapped this season — it is still hard to imagine this character hanging around forever.
Related – See more of what all is ahead on Shrinking next week
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