What We Do in the Shadows delivers Alexander Skarsgard cameo

Out of all the things that we anticipated within the final season of What We Do in the Shadows on FX, an Alexander Skarsgard cameo was not present. Yet, that is precisely what we got!
It is true that the True Blood alum’s appearance was brief, but it was both hilarious and tongue-in-cheek as he dressed in a near-identical way to Eric Northman while attending a meeting of a vampire council in New York. It also appeared briefly like he was about to be killed by Cranvesworth’s Monster before deciding to not raise his hand at the end.
We did wonder after watching if this was indeed Skarsgard, or someone made to look just like him. Luckily, a report from Deadline cleared this up with a wonderful quote from the actor:
“I’m afraid I have no recollection of shooting this episode as Dr. Laszlo Cravensworth [Matt Barry] apparently hypnotized me at the wrap party. But I did wake up with an intense physical attraction to Dr. Cravensworth and found his extraordinary wit, charm and intelligence absolutely disarming. I have since started a YouTube fan page for him. It’s called ‘Because you’re Cravens-worth it’ Please like, follow and subscribe.”
The Skarsgard appearance continues a really long tradition of What We Do in the Shadows bringing back actors who have played vampires before in other media. While you could not legally say that this was Eric from True Blood, the gist here was clear. Of course, we’re insanely curious as to how all this came about, but kudos to both the actor, the producers, and the entire cast and crew for keeping this under wraps over the past several months. After all, this would have been infinitely less fun if it was something that everyone had found out about far in advance.
Related – Learn more about next week’s episode
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.