Wednesday season 2: A new ‘portrait’ from Thing

We recognize already that we are going to be waiting a long time to see Wednesday season 2 premiere over on Netflix. After all, it appears that the plan here is to bring the show back moving into late 2025!
Why so long? Well, the simple answer here is that this show has a lot of visual effects, and that’s without even getting into all of the other various things that need to be done here, whether it be localization or promotion. Netflix does love their global launches, right? From their vantage point, it is really beneficial to have a show like this all over the world at the same exact time.
So while you do wait for the Jenna Ortega series to come back, the biggest thing that we can do is share whatever little goodies the streaming service opts to throw in our direction. This time around, that means a fun little video of Thing typing up a portrait of the title character.
If you head over to the link here, you can see what we are talking about here. We don’t personally believe that this has anything to do with the story of Wednesday season 2; rather, this is just a really easy thing for Netflix to put together since it does not require any additional work from the cast. They can just do this while everyone else is focused on filming. (For those unaware, work on season 2 has been happening ever since the spring.)
When could you see some sort of trailer?
Personally, we tend to think that the best-case scenario here is that we get a chance to see a second season at some point moving into the summer. That is a great chance to really start to get conversation going again in a big way.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Wednesday right now, including more premiere-date discussions
What are you most eager to see moving into Wednesday season 2, no matter when it airs?
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