Silo season 2 episode 3: What do Bernard, Solo really know?

It is true that we went into Silo season 2 episode 3 with a certain amount of expectation. Given that we now have a new character in the mix in Solo, it makes sense that he be a vessel by which we learn more about the world!
So, what did we actually find out in the end here? Well, we tend to think quite a bit over the course of it.
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For starters, Solo was a Shadow for Russell, who was one of the all-important IT masters at Silo 17. He was someone who really knew most of the secrets of the structure, much in the way that Bernard does back at #18. There are about fifty of these Silos seemingly out there, and Bernard is well-aware of the rebellion that happened over at #17 many years ago. This is enough to shed a little bit more light on a few different things, with the biggest being that there has to be some measure of communication.
In its own bizarre way, all of this does loop back into what is happening with Juliette, as there is an added bit of stakes now to what she is up to with Solo. While it seems like he could be useful to her now, he’s also someone likely responsible for a lot of death and destruction. Also, if she makes it back with him to her old home, isn’t there a good chance that he is going to run off to Bernard? There are a lot of risks that she is encountering.
Of course, first and foremost she needs a new suit — there are a lot of different steps that need to be taken before she can even think about making it all the way home.
Related – Be sure to get some more news right now regarding Silo and what is to come
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