Dune: Prophecy spoilers: EP on adding to ‘mythology’

We are a couple of episodes into Dune: Prophecy at this point and by virtue of that, we have seen the show genuinely surprise.
Take, for starters, the entire character of Desmond Hart. This is not someone who was around through a lot of the source material, and that has given the HBO series a certain amount of flexibility. Then again, they are not trying to radically change anything within the world itself; instead, just add to it in some ways that make sense.
Speaking to TV Insider, showrunner Alison Schapker said the following about how they are balancing some of the material for the sake of making this show:
“On the one hand, we’re very much rooted in the Sisterhood of Dune trilogy, and that’s going to set up all the text for us … But we’re also telling a story that takes place over decades…some of the story we’re telling is based outside the book, where we’ve had the opportunity to work with the Dune estate and contribute to the mythology.”
For the most part, we don’t have any issue with additions to the mythology — though then again, we can also consider the show / the movies to be a slightly separate world from what we get within the books. This is pretty similar with a lot of adaptations out there. We tend to think that the goal of Dune: Prophecy should really just be to try and find a way to add a few things to the lore of the universe, as opposed to just doing something that feels entirely predictable.
The crazy thing that we have to consider right now is just that we are already a third of the way through this season; time is blowing by, and we hope that there are chances to get more information on Desmond before too long.
Related – Be sure to get more news entering the next Dune: Prophecy
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