Blue Bloods series finale photo seemingly dispels one theory

What is going to happen on the Blue Bloods series finale? We know this is a question so many have had for quite some time.
For the time being, though, we want to focus in on one theory that a lot of people out there find to be especially dark. We are talking here about a possible funeral sequence that is going to be taking place, one that has been alluded to by some of the cast already in various interviews.
If you head over to the official press site for the show, you can see an image that does serve as some sort of comfort: Henry sitting with Frank Reagan, surrounded by a lot of cops at what seems to potentially be a funeral setting. Now, Len Cariou had spoken about being at a funeral in the past, but our main concern was that he was just there to watch a service for his own part. Given that the finale is titled “End of Tour” it wasn’t hard to imagine that a main character could die — add to this the fact that many people have promised that there are going to be some emotional moments ahead.
So why worry about Henry in particular? There was that scene about him having a wake while he was alive earlier this season, and that could have been viewed
In general, we tend to think that the producers have done a good job keeping the identity of the deceased under wraps, whether it be a major character or not. A lot of people are seemingly accounted for in either the synopsis or various images.
Personally, we do want to see a lot of main Blue Bloods characters around after the finale — after all, that does raise the odds that there could be some sort of continuous down the line.
What do you think we are going to see moving into the Blue Bloods series finale?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.