Survivor 47 finale will reportedly air over two weeks

We know that the Survivor 47 finale is coming to CBS next month and now, we know that there is a slight change when it comes to how it will air.
According to a new report from Entertainment Weekly, the final episodes of this season are now going to air across two different nights. First, you will see things kick off on December 11 with a two-hour episode. From there, you will have another two hours, including the after-show following the final vote, the following week on December 18.
Is this a format that we could see the network using for Survivor again down the road? In a word, yes. We do think that they are all for delivering as much of this show as possible given that it performs so well in the ratings — though it is also hilarious that the despite the competition only being 26 days at this point, there is still a way in which everything has been stretched out further content-wise.
We also tend to think that this is a sign that the Survivor 47 finale is eventful enough that they can really justify doing it. So far, we would classify this season as mid-tier — it definitely has not been bad, but there also have not been a ton of incredibly iconic moments, either. The best thing about where we are at the moment is that there’s a real sense of unpredictability in the game, where it is hard to look towards any specific group and think that they have the power. We tend to think personally that Genevieve is the best player, but does she have enough truly loyal allies to make it all the way? Meanwhile, someone like Kyle could win another three or four challenges and make people really regret not keeping him around. There are so many ways things could go.
Related – Learn more entering Wednesday’s new Survivor 47 episode
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