Landman season 1 episode 3 trailer highlights Tommy’s future

What can you expect moving into Landman season 1 episode 3 on Paramount+ this week? Well, in the words of Billy Bob Thornton’s character, it looks like it is going to be Monday all week.
After all, we understand why he would be feeling all sorts of pressure at this point after the incident at the rig that left a number of people dead. His son Cooper could be blamed for a lot of what happened; meanwhile, he has to figure out how to get the attorney Rebecca on his side. Meanwhile, he’s gotta deal with all of the assorted problems with his daughter, who so far seems to be around mostly to cause an array of different problems.
If you head over to the link here, you can see a trailer for what lies ahead through the remainder of the series, including Jon Hamm’s character of Monty being confronted with what the current state of the rigs are and what it means for the big-money people. The reality is that working around these is hardly a safe working condition for anyone — he knows it, Tommy knows it, and pretty much everyone who takes that job knows it. They have to find a way to handle the aftermath of the incident and move forward.
Of course, all of this is what makes Landman as a series so complicated; we are not necessarily dealing with people here who are likable. They are all complicated and working for their self interests. The whole objective of the show is simply to make them compelling, and it matters less whether or not they are going to do the right thing all of the time.
Given that there is still a great deal of this show ahead, our advice is pretty simple: Just go ahead and prepare for a number of other twists.
Related – Be sure to get some more news regarding Landman right now, including what else lies ahead
What do you most want to see moving into Landman season 1 episode 3 when it arrives?
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