Silo season 2 episode 2 video: Another rebellion?

As you prepare to see Silo season 2 episode 2 on Apple TV+ in just under a week, are we poised for another rebellion? If nothing else, we can at least say that the show is promising us the possibility of it — and we certainly are not upset!
After all, if you were a resident living within Silo 18 following Juliette’s exit, we would not blame you for feeling some type of way about how everything is currently going down. You may feel like you were lied to by Bernard and some other powers-that-be and because of that, you are going to see them try to find their own voice however they can.
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If you head over to the link here right now, you can see a preview that gives you multiple cast members talking about the story this season; not only that, but also some of the base ideas being explored.
While we love watching Rebecca Ferguson shine as Juliette, there is no denying that there is something great about seeing the rest of the ensemble as well. We’re going to have a chance to see Tim Robbins, Common, and a number of familiar faces soon … and they all may be in danger. After all, they may not be cognizant of the fact that the #1 reason Bode managed to survive is because of some wool tape. They could all go outside and die within a matter of minutes.
Of course, is it possible that Juliette still makes it back to them? Certainly, and it is really just a matter of using the secret tunnel … if that really does connect the silos at the bottom. That’s just something that we’ve all been theorizing about for a rather long time.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to the next Silo — what more can you expect to see?
What do you most want to see moving into Silo season 2 episode 2?
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