The Penguin season 1 finale: Is Victor dead? EP explains

We certainly were well-aware entering the season that The Penguin was probably going to kill some people off. Yet, Oz Cobb took out Victor of all people?
We certainly thought entering this finale that it would be Sofia who was taken out, mostly because of the rivalry between her and Colin Farrell’s character. However, she found herself in Arkham at the end of the finale, and could still emerge at a valuable point in the future. Vic, who was Oz’s #2 for most of the season, did not.
So why remove him from the equation now? Well, a lot of it apparently has to do with just who Oz really is. Speaking in a new interview now with Deadline, here is some of what showrunner Lauren LeFranc had to say about this decision:
“Oz has shown himself to be someone who is narcissistic and lives in his own delusion. He has really struggled with receiving love and seeks it out from his mother, but never fully trusts it from people … In so many ways, he is a broken man. When it comes to Victor, it was really important to me that Oz kill him — not because he has any reason to, and Victor did come through for him. Victor is like family. Yet Victor saw Oz at his weakest, at his most vulnerable. Oz really feels like he needs a level of power. He can’t have weakness, so he kills Victor.”
This does mean that Oz goes into The Batman: Part II with fewer ways he can be vulnerable, and that could be important for him. We just think that it could also be something that he will regret, but we’re not sure that he has the full emotional capacity to feel that way.
What did you think about the events of The Penguin finale, and were you shocked by the big death?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.