Stranger Things 5 premiere date window, episode titles revealed

This morning, Netflix brought us some welcome news regarding Stranger Things season 5 — namely, some of it is coming sooner than expected!
In a post on Twitter, the series confirmed that you will see at least some episodes over the course of 2025, which is welcome news given how long it does take to make these episodes. This is still a broad window and yet, in the end we believe that the second half of the year is when some of the actual stories are going to be presented. Sure, they could be split up into parts or whatever else Netflix decides; for the time being, though, we are just pleased to rejoice in the fact that the series is coming back at all.
Now, let us get to the next important part of this particular equation in sharing the episode titles. This Twitter video also confirmed that “The Crawl,” “The Vanishing of _____,” “The Turnbow Trap,” “Sorcerer,” “Shock Jock,” “Escape From Camazotz,” “The Bridge” and “The Rightside Up” are the names for this particular batch of stories. Sure, in some ways we are shocked that Netflix shared all of this in advance; yet, “The Rightside Up” is about as perfect a title for a farewell to this show as you are ever going to find.
Entering Stranger Things 5, one of the biggest questions does revolve around the fate of Max, who found herself in some perilous circumstances at the end of last season. One way or another, we do tend to think that Sadie Sink’s character will get to the other side of that but from then, you are going to see the story escalate with action, drama, and maybe a little bit of despair.
Yet, we have also grown so invested in these characters that we do want a somewhat-hopeful ending … even if there are casualties.
Related – See a tease on Stranger Things from Finn Wolfhard
What do you think about Stranger Things 5 at least partially coming out next year?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.