Shrinking season 2 episode 5: After that Brian, Louis ending…

The arrival of Shrinking season 2 episode 5 on Apple TV+ is coming just a matter of days — and once again, you may need some tissues. How is a comedy so good at making all of us cry?
Well, as we move forward into the next episode of the show, at this point it feels pretty clear what one of the biggest stories is going to be. The writers have done an exceptional job of slow-playing the story of Brett Goldstein as Louis, the man responsible for the drunk-driving accident that killed Jimmy’s wife Tia. We met him in the premiere, and have seen small doses of him ever since. This all led to the huge moment that we saw at the end of episode 4, where he tried to return Alice’s wallet and ran into Brian. This was the first person who didn’t just scream for him to leave immediately, and actually asked how he was doing.
We should make one thing clear: We don’t exactly think that the Apple TV+ series is building to some reveal where Louis is suddenly friends with everyone. However, we do think that the show is going to work to try and give some closure to what happened so everyone can move forward. Goldstein’s character is clearly remorseful for what happened — so, what other things is he doing to try and fix his life? That is one of the things that we could still figure out.
The biggest thing that we are often reminded of with this show is that so little of it is ever so neat and tidy. By virtue of that, it feels foolish to move into the rest of the show with some big assumption that everything is going to feel easy or okay. Jimmy may eventually face Louis again, and there 100% could be more screaming. You have to prepare for that.
Related – Get some more news on Shrinking right now, including what else is coming
What do you most want to see moving into Shrinking season 2 episode 5 when it eventually arrives?
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