Blue Bloods season 14 episode 13: Could Danny leave the job?

We are watching most of the final season of Blue Bloods with more of a cautious lens than usual, and for one simple reason: Thinking a lot about the endgame. There are only a few episodes remaining in the series, and we are sure that showrunner Kevin Wade and all of the writers came into them with specific conclusions for all of the Reagans. There may also be breadcrumbs along the way leading us in the right direction.
So, for Donnie Wahlberg’s character of Danny in general, we have to pose the following question: Could he contemplate leaving the force at some point? Could a career change be a part of his ending?
Well, early on in the episode, we heard the detective complaining about the physical toll of the job, albeit in a lighthearted way — then, as we approached the end of a particularly harrowing case for himself and Baez, he then struggled with the emotional toll of it. It is one thing to hear stories about bystanders, those caught in the way of terrible things around them. It is different to actually see and hear it in front of you.
Is Danny getting too old for this? Well, not necessarily, given that Frank is still Commissioner and dealing with a lot of problems, albeit from a different perspective. Every cop handles the rigors of the job in their own way, and we are hardly shocked that he could be struggling with it.
Does all of this mean that Danny will alter to change things up?
Nothing is for certain, but it does appear as though Wahlberg’s character has a big story next week, and we know that of all the possible spin-offs proposed for Blue Bloods, one around Danny makes the most sense if you are going to use a Reagan. We personally wonder if he would ever consider becoming a private eye, one that allows him to possibly work more directly with people in need.
Related – Learn more entering the next Blue Bloods episode
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.