Silo season 2 premiere: Watch the first five minutes now

The Silo season 2 premiere is coming to Apple TV+ moving into the middle of next month — want to know more now?
Well, leading into the show’s first episode back, we are happy about the fact that Apple TV+ has officially shared the first five minutes — and let’s just say that things are going to get weird almost right away.
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If you head over to Entertainment Weekly, you can see a sneak preview now for the first episode, one that basically shows you a rebellion that is happening within what is effectively now a dead silo. This is a reminder of the fact that all of these structures, revealed at the end of the first season, are all their own mini-worlds. Some of them may have succeeded better than others, where they completely fell apart.
Now, there’s a pretty clear reason why this is the silo we are seeing at present, as all signs point to this being the place where Juliette has to eventually visit. There is only so long that she is going to be able to survive on the outside world; after all, it is clear already that the air is poisonous, and the only reason she has been able to survive is because of that special tape that she received at the end of last season. We imagine that moving forward, there are going to be some chances to see the story develop, whether it be with new faces or an array of twists.
Also, rest assured of the fact that Apple TV+ is not going to be abandoning the previous Silo at all. You are going to continue to see that story play out in some form, as key decisions are going to be made regarding its future.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Silo right now, including what else is ahead
What do you think we are going to see moving into the Silo season 2 premiere over at Apple TV+?
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