The Morning Show season 4 premiere date: Ideal launchpad

We know that The Morning Show season 4 has been deep in the works for a rather long time — so when will it actually be back? Beyond just that, how is Apple TV+ going to do their best in order to hype the series up?
We know that in general, this is the sort of show that the streaming service is going to be looking to pull out all the stops for, and good reason. You have huge stars in Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston; beyond just that, the story seems to be taking a page out of some current events as it focuses in part on a Presidential Election. We tend to think that there are already discussions around when it could be back, so we also want to raise the following question: Will one hit at the streaming service be used in part to promote it? Well, we certainly think we know what show that would be…
Let’s just frame the discussion this way: The Morning Show is probably not coming back until we at least get around to the spring of 2025, which means that Silo season 2 is probably used as too early of a release to be useful. However, the second season of Severance, meanwhile, could be a little bit more viable as a tool. It premieres in January, and it would not shock us at all if Apple decides to announce a lot of stuff on one of their other big hits while people are subscribed to the service. After all, they want to keep them subscribed, and we really don’t think there is another big hit they can leverage through the first part of 2025.
Now, here is where the onus will inevitably fall on The Morning Show to ensure that the stories are topical and interesting — and not just completely over-the-top. We’re not sure that either season 2 season 3 captured the greatness of season 1.
Related – See some more coverage right now regarding season 4
When do you think we are going to see The Morning Show season 4 back over on Apple TV+?
Do you think they are going to use Severance in some way to promote it? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do, come back for other updates.