Dancing with the Stars 33 episode 8 return date at ABC

After tonight’s new episode, do you want to know a little more about Dancing with the Stars 33 episode 8 over at ABC? Well, prepare for something a little different.
To call the schedule for this particular season of the ballroom competition atypical is an understatement. We already had a week where the show did not air due to a Vice-Presidential Debate; meanwhile, next week you are also not going to see the show on the air due to the actual Election.
Back when the debate happened, we know that Dancing with the Stars technically taped an episode that they were able to broadcast the following Monday as a part of a two-night event. We do not get any indication that this is being planned this time around. After all, everyone is going to be busy next week and it would likely be hard to do something considering the circumstances.
For now, it appears as though the plan is for the ballroom competition to come back on November 12 — while there may not be too much to report on yet when it comes to individual dance styles or routines, we anticipate more work for the contestants than ever. If they really have two weeks to perfect what they’re bringing to the stage, we expect a lot of choreography and multiple numbers. If you’ve made it this far in the competition, we tend to think that they are more than capable of handing it.
Odds are, there are still a few more episodes to go this season — let’s just cross our fingers and hope for some iconic routines the rest of the way. Think in terms of ones that we’d want to watch on YouTube time and time again after the fact.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Dancing with the Stars 33 right now!
What do you most want to see moving into Dancing with the Stars 33 episode 8 when it airs?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.