What We Do in the Shadows season 6: Guillermo’s future

The final season of What We Do in the Shadows is going to continue on FX next week, and we’ve already seen a pretty fun story for Guillermo. After spending so many years as Nandor’s familiar, he has found a new career path for himself — and has even gone up the corporate ladder a little bit!
In particular, episode 2 of season 6 was a great opportunity to see a lot of this growth for Harvey Guillen’s character, though he also found himself in a position where Nadja and Nandor could have easily compromised everything. Nonetheless, things have worked out in relative fashion so far … but would they still have, without any vampire interference?
Speaking to io9, Guillen indicates that his character would have eventually been able to find his way up the ladder, regardless of whether or not his friends were involved:
I think [he would have figured it out]. I think that he has good ideas on his own. Some of the obstacles that might come in his way, that might have been hiccups, get omitted by Nadja and the gang trying to make it a smooth transition for him. But [that] could also hinder him, because you think you’re helping, but you’re actually adding to the problem, and I think he gets flustered easily in that way. But I think he would have done fine on his own because it is—as you’ll find out later in the season—it’s his own thought process that puts things together that leads to a huge conclusion and a huge climax to this year’s storyline.
A big part of what is likely going to be fun this season is seeing Guillermo continue to find his own voice and yet, still spend some time with so many of the vampires. This is a show that has a lot of comedy, but at the same time, a story that will propel things forward entering the series finale.
Related – Learn more about the events of What We Do in the Shadows season 6 episode 4
What do you want to see for Guillermo through the rest of What We Do in the Shadows season 6?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.