Survivor 47 episode 6: Rome Cooney voted out; best edit ever?

Survivor 47
Photo: CBS

If there is one thing that we will do at the start of this Survivor 47 article, it is give us the best merge format we’ve had in a while. After all, isn’t it nice to have a Tribal Council where the majority of the players were actually voting for a change?

Instead of having a massive group of six or seven people safe at this point in the game, that group instead simply got a food reward. Meanwhile, Kyle was the only one who had immunity, which he appreciated given that Rome had already started to freak him out with some of the conversations he was having around camp. He made it clear that he wanted Rome out, which also made it fairly easy for us to sit here and say that Rome was probably the easiest merge boot of all-time.

Now, that doesn’t mean that it is a smart move to take him out! He is such a volatile player that he will always be a target, so our argument is that so long as you are not on his hit list, it makes at least some sense to keep him around for a little while.

Yet, here is the thing — for a good percentage of the episode post-immunity challenge, the editors had a total field day throwing Rome under the bus. He wandered around the beach claiming that Sol was the target and with that, he thought that he actually had the numbers! The edit towards him honestly just started to become hilarious, almost as though the producers just decided to not hide that he was getting blindsided. It seemed as though everyone was so intent on just getting rid of the headache that they did not care about anything else.

The editing comedy continues

Jeff Probst allowing Rome to temporarily sit in his spot was an all-time moment, almost as though he knew he’d be blindsided and just wanted him to have his last little moment of comedy along the way. There was no hiding the vote, and there was no attempt. Also, Andy did his voting confessional in German! Also, Rome didn’t even vote out Sol like he said! Incredible stuff.

Related See more of what is coming up next

What did you think about Survivor 47 episode 6?

Do you actually think this particular format for the merge works better? Go ahead and let us know in the comments, and also come back for some other updates.

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