Saturday Night Live cold open: Alec Baldwin plays Bret Baier

Saturday Night Live season 50
Photo: NBC

Of course, we anticipated something political at the center of this week’s Saturday Night Live cold open — however, what did we get?

Well, we don’t think that there will be much of a surprise as to the top headline here: The return of Alec Baldwin. Given his history with SNL and relationship with Lorne Michaels, we are not altogether surprised that this would be a venue he’d like to appear at. Many of the headlines around him the past year-plus have been pretty well-documented, so there is no point to get into them here.

So, what was the purpose of Baldwin’s appearance here? Well, he took on the role of Fox News host Bret Baier as the show attempted to emulate the interview that he did with Kamala Harris earlier this week. This also allowed them the opportunity to bring back Maya Rudolph, which they are making the most of throughout this campaign season.

The irony with this entire sketch is that Baldwin used to play Donald Trump on the show and yet, he appeared in a sketch where James Austin Johnson eventually played the former President instead.

Do we think that Alec actually did a pretty good job of emulating Baier from the interview? Absolutely, and it is hard to imagine anyone out there is disputing the actor’s talent. If you go onto social media, the immediate response from his return to the show was pretty mixed. We’ll see if he returns again tonight or later this season, but it is important to remember that he has played such an enormous role in the history of the show. It is pretty easy to consider that he could turn up again, and this is hardly the first time that Michaels or this show has played into controversy.

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