The Penguin season 1 episode 5 trailer: Oz, Sofia battle it out

The Penguin season 1
Photo: Max

Just in case you were not excited enough for whatever reason to see The Penguin season 1 episode 5, you now have more reasons to be! After all, HBO and Max have just released a brand-new trailer for the second half of the season, one that is going to seemingly feature one big showdown after another.

Of course, at the center of these will be none other than Oz Cobb and Sofia Falcone, mostly because it is impossible for the two of them not to be! Just think, after all, about what we have seen them go through already. Sofia now realizes the extent to which Colin Farrell’s character has betrayed her, and she’s also had her huge Breaking Bad moment with her murdering much of her entire family. She now has fully embraced that Hangman persona and seems to be really to 100% lead her own criminal empire.

Given that episode 4 was arguably the show’s best one by a mile, the stakes are high the rest of the way! Yet, the new trailer (watch here) shows that the two are going to do battle on multiple occasions, with things also getting increasingly desperate with each passing turn.

If there is one major struggle we foresee The Penguin having as we move forward, it may very well be them working to do whatever they can to try and make Oz formidable enough. Who would’ve thought we would be here? We’ve actually found Sofia to be more formidable than him through the first part of the story, though we concede that we’re still early on and there is a lot of time for various things to change as we get deeper and deeper into the narrative.

Related See more insight right now on The Penguin and what may be coming up next

What are you the most eager to see now entering The Penguin season 1 episode 5 at HBO?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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