Slow Horses season 5: Hugo Weaving on potential return

Slow Horses season 4
Photo: Apple TV+

We know that a Slow Horses season 5 is going to be coming to Apple TV+ next year, but are you going to see more of Hugo Weaving?

Following the end of season 4, there is of course plenty of room for more Frank Harkness. He proved himself to be a dangerous if unpredictable villain for a lot of the past several weeks, and that is without even mentioning the fact that he is River Cartwright’s father. It feels like he was able to blackmail his way out of living a life behind bars, and that means that somehow, someway, there are ways in which to imagine that he is going to make some sort of epic return.

Speaking in a new interview with Forbes, Weaving makes it abundantly clear that he would be happy to do something more with this character:

“Absolutely. Of course … I’m excited about the prospect of revisiting Frank, and in whatever guise that is, whether it was a sidebar thing or more Slow Horses, there are miles left in him.”

One of the great things about where this franchise is right now is the pretty clear fact that Slow Horses is a pretty undisputed hit and an awards darling. Our hope from here on out is of course that this is going to lead to a whole lot more from this world! Gary Oldman himself has noted that he adores playing the role of Jackson Lamb, and would love to keep doing it for quite some time. We hope that everyone else in Slough House remains the same.

Now, we recognize that most of this series is based on books; however, at the same time there may still be room for the slightest bit of flexibility here and there. Or, at the very least, this is what we’re anticipating.

Related See more discussion on Slow Horses season 5, including some premiere date hopes

What are you the most interested in seeing at present heading into a Slow Horses season 5?

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