Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Cam campaigns to Makesny

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

We’re now into the afternoon of day 83 within the Big Brother 26 house, and we have some legitimate strategy talk! Isn’t that a cause for celebration?

Well, the first order of business here is reminding everyone that Chelsie has the final four Head of Household. Meanwhile, Makensy won the Veto and she will decide whether or not to evict Cam or Rubina. She has indicated multiple times that she is undecided, but today Cam made his first compelling pitch to her to try and stick around for a little while longer.

So, how did this go? Well, Cam at least made one good point in this conversation, which is that if he wants to have a chance at winning this game, he needs to make a splashy move for the “shock factor” of it all. This goes along the lines of something we’ve said for weeks — we do think Cam would at least consider evicting Chelsie before final two. He hasn’t been the best competitor as of late, but he is reasonably self-aware and likely knows that if he goes to the end with her, he’ll be seen as under her thumb most of the season. In taking her out, he can at least show that he’s more of an independent player.

Would he actually beat Makensy in a final two? It would be tough since she’s got such a huge resume of comp wins; yet, he could try to argue that she was really unaware of the game a lot of the time and was shaped by Chelsie. Meanwhile, he can say that he was more of a collaborator with her a lot of the time. It’s probably his best chance.

Will Rubina make an argument?

We hope so, but we aren’t super-confident. Ironically, she would benefit by basically making a similar argument to Cam.

Related See more talk from early today in the Big Brother 26 house

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