Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Final four nominations

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

The final four nomination ceremony happened overnight within the Big Brother 26 house — not that there is a lot of drama here. As many diehard fans of the show know, the only thing that matters at the moment is the Veto. They have the control of who goes; if Chelsie wins, she gets to then pick who casts that vote.

Still, for those of you who love details, here’s what we can say: Makensy and Cam are on the block. What’s going to be most interesting is what happens after the Veto here, as there are a lot of tricky decisions that need to be made…

So where do some of these three players who can cast a vote this week stand? Well, let’s look at that for a moment, shall we?

Makensy – She seems to be on the fence about it, given that both Cam and Rubina could be beatable down the road. We think she should actually boot Rubina, mostly because we could see a universe where Cam actually thinks Chelsie is the biggest threat at final two.

Cam – It seems, for now, that he would go after Makensy, and it is 100% the right move for him. The only chance he has of winning is if he gets to the end with Rubina.

Rubina – We tend to think that she takes out Cam, mostly so that the narrative of there being three women at the end of the game holds true. That is something that has been preached to her heavily over the past several weeks, and we don’t foresee anyone backing off of that now.

If the nomination ceremony happening overnight was not an indicator, the schedule is a little bit different at this point in the game. The finale is coming in a little over a week!

Related See more discussion when it comes to the Big Brother 26 live feeds from last night

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