Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Final five Veto Ceremony results

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

We know that this week in Big Brother 26 had potential to be so gloriously complicated. However, was it when the dust settled?

Well, let’s put this in rather simple terms: Not at all. For the first time all season long the Veto was not used, which means that we are left here with Kimo and Rubina going up and one of them leaving the house. Remember when Kimo and Rubina spent all this time plotting to throw Chelsie under the bus? It didn’t happen. It also certainly heart that Rubina waited until last night to try and have a conversation and Chelsie was around a lot. She also got the vibe that Cam probably would not be a target, so she shifted blame and threw Kimo under the bus instead.

As for Kimo … well, he didn’t do much to save himself at all. This is why we can’t feel sympathetic for him going to jury this time around. He’s spent so much time singing and coming up with games, but hardly any time at all actually plotting his next move. Why not at least try something? What does it hurt?

We do anticipate that the next few days are going to be pretty noneventful, but we can’t be mad given that this has been a fantastic season in terms of constant chaos and surprises. The only real twist would be if some people actively start to plot more and more ahead to final four, including Cam trying to build some sort of agreement with Rubina. The two of them should know at this point that Chelsie and Makensy probably beat them both in the final two, so they really should do something to try and ensure that this does not happen.

Related Be sure to get some more chatter on the Big Brother 26 live feeds right now

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