9-1-1: Lone Star season 5 episode 3 video: Is Tommy proposing?

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As we get prepared to see 9-1-1: Lone Star season 5 episode 2 on Fox in just a matter of hours, why not go ahead and discuss a proposal?

Sure, in some way you can argue that this is the last sort of thing you’d expect featured in an hour that also involves a train derailment. Yet, at the same time, don’t serious crises like this leave people thinking more about the future? Tommy may not be in a life-or-death situation the whole episode because of it, but she is thinking about having a long-term family now with Trevor. As a matter of fact, she’s entertaining the idea of a huge romantic gesture!

If you head over to Entertainment Weekly now, you can see a preview for the next new episode that allows us to see Gina Torres’ character effectively stay down on one knee after a dance with Trevor and his kids. It’s a really sweet moment, and after he insinuates that someone may think she’s about to propose, she responds with a pretty awesome “what if I am?” — it could be the foundation for something that takes them through the end of the season.

After all, with this being the final chapter for Lone Star, wouldn’t it make for a great ending if the two are able to end the show with a wedding? They’ve gone through a lot already and yet, it is pretty darn clear that they are each very much deserving of happiness. They’ve found something in each other that we know a lot of people in this world would love to happen.

Also, it continues to be awesome that we’re able to see both Torres and DB Woodside work together again in this capacity, after doing something similar back on Suits and then Pearson.

Related Get some more discussion now entering this 9-1-1: Lone Star episode

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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