Slow Horses season 4 episode 5: The journey for Claude

Slow Horses season 4
Photo: Apple TV+

At this point, doesn’t it feel like Claude is one of the more interesting (and present) foils within the world of Slow Horses season 4? He is someone who appears to be eager to do the right thing a lot of the time on this show. However, at the same time this is not a world where morality is often rewarded. He’s trying to be a potential boy scout around MI5, a world that requires you to get your hands dirty and dive head-first into the much a lot of the time. Clearly, this is something that he is still working in order to figure out.

Now, is he going to figure it out before it is too late? That is a big question mark, given that we don’t think that Diana is going to want him around if he is going to get in the way.

Speaking to Screen Rant, actor James Callis shared at least a few thoughts on his character’s journey so far, plus where things could be going:

What can I say? He’s he’s learning on the job, but some things you can’t learn on the job. He’s a different energy from people that we’ve seen previously. He’s a whole bundle of contradictions in the book, at least as well, which doesn’t really come in. There’s a tiny bit later, later, later on, but really, the most important person in Claude’s life is his wife. We don’t really get to see that. At certain points where it looks like Claude doesn’t know what’s going on, he might be thinking about his wife and what she’s got on for dinner that night. He’s mild, Claude. He’s mild-mannered. I think he thinks from where he comes from that could be a strength. But it’s not.

Honestly, we do think what makes Claude so interesting is that he’s got a different view of the world than Slough House. Can he be frustrating? Sure, but the show is not as interesting if everyone acts 100% the same.

Related See a few more details now entering the next Slow Horses episode

At this point, what are you the most interested in checking out entering Slow Horses season 4 episode 5?

Do you think that Claude will finish the season as first desk? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and also come back for some other updates.

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