Saturday Night Live delivers perfect Spirit Halloween send-up

Sure, Saturday Night Live has delivered a number of outstanding commercial parodies over the years, but have they nailed one better than Spirit Halloween?
No matter where you are in the country, odds are you are familiar with the seasonal store — or, more notably, how they tend to turn up in vacant buildings for six weeks and then dip out. You also have the knock-off costumes, the unusual employees, and a whole lot more.
Was there a ton of substance to this sketch once you went under the surface? Absolutely not, but this entire few minutes marked Saturday Night Live explicitly going after something that viewers all over the country are familiar with. Honestly, it is one of those things that we’re shocked has not been featured on the show before now.
With tonight being the first episode of this SNL season, we of course wondered just how the producers were going to approach the material given all the anticipation. What they decided to deliver here is a sketch that the writers may have thought about some time ago — if not, the spirit of the season helped them out a lot here. Sure, they could have aired this closer to October 31 but honestly, this is the time that these stores do have a tendency to turn up. By the time we get to the holiday, they could almost all be gone … at least for the next ten and a half months.
We’ll go so far as to say that the Spirit Halloween spoof is the best thing that the show did through at least the first half of the episode, and it set the bar high for almost everything that was coming up a little bit later on.
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What did you think about the Saturday Night Live Spirit Halloween sketch tonight?
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