Chicago PD season 12 episode 2 promo: Ruzek wants revenge

As we prepare to see Chicago PD season 12 episode 2 on NBC this coming Wednesday, the name of the game here is revenge. Or, at least that may be what Adam Ruzek wants at this particular moment in time.
Remember that at the end of the premiere, we saw Martel get shot and at this point, we have to expect that she is gone. We did not know her for all that long and yet, at the same time, we saw that she has a history with Ruzek and that is going to make him all the more intent on getting justice — or, revenge?
Based on the promo for episode 2, it appears as though Voight may have to talk Ruzek down to a certain extent as we appears to be completely focused on doing whatever he can to fight back. We’re not going to sit here and say that any of this is an entirely new concept for this show, but we also don’t think that this is a show that needs that. The motivation of revenge is such a huge part of the story that it is something that she show can hit at time and time again for different characters.
Also, you can argue that this is always going to be a pretty important story to tell for Voight in particular, given that for such a huge part of the series, this is a guy who was motivated by being this sort of pseudo-vigilante who broke the rules constantly. He may not be able to constantly alter his own moral fiber, but we don’t think that he wants any other characters to end up like him. This is why we do think that he’s going to step in from time to time, but will it work?
Related – Get a few more details now entering Chicago PD season 12 episode 2, courtesy of NBC!
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