Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Final five nominations

Today in the Big Brother 26 house, the final five nomination ceremony took place. So what actually happened, and has the game fundamentally changed?
Well, let’s start off by noting that at this point in the game, there’s not a lot of room for surprise. That is even more the case when you have someone in Makensy as Head of Household who is blindly loyal to Chelsie. She has convinced her, time and time again, that they can go to the final two together and she will be happy no matter what happens. In reality, Chelsie will easily cut her before then. We honestly believe the only reason she didn’t do so during the Double is because she knew that Angela was the only person left who could theoretically get her out of the game.
Kimo and Rubina have been confirmed now to be on the block, and one of the two will leave most likely next week. As for who, it feels like that is still somewhat up in the air. Despite Rubina trying to throw Chelsie under the bus earlier today we do think that Kimo will be seen as the easier person to take out. It also continues the “narrative” that some players want a woman to win above anything else. (Chelsie has been falsely claiming for weeks that there’s never been an all-female final two; it has been a while it has happened, but nevertheless it has multiple times.)
As of right now, the nominees are just hoping that one of them can win the Veto and if that happens, they can convince Makensy that Chelsie and Cam will take each other to the final two over her and it makes sense to target one of them in the event of a tie. Makensy is going to have to get some blood on her hands, most likely, if either Kimo or Rubina go off the block. She has the tiebreaking vote, and there are only two people voting this week.
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