Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Final five HoH’s plan

Now that the final five Head of Household has been named in Big Brother 26, let’s get to the next phase of the operation: Figuring out what she is going to do.
For those unaware, Makensy has won Head of Household again. Even though Chelsie had the power during the Double, it feels almost like she’s going to have a two-week reign here. She’s got the ability to do one of the most epic moves ever this week, but is she going to do it? We’re not brimming with confidence here.
Instead, it does feel like the week where Kimo is in fact a goner, as there is little reason to think that Makensy will go against how she’s been acting for some time now. This sets up then Chelsie’s ideal final four, where Cam, Makensy, and Rubina all seemingly want to go to the final two with her. The only person we’ve got questions about right now is Cam, mostly because he’s more aware than he lets on at times and we tend to think he’d cut Chelsie if it meant having a greater chance of winning the game. He’d have to win a competition to make that happen, though, and that hasn’t been his thing most of the season.
Late tonight, Makensy did confirm that Kimo is her target in a conversation with Chelsie, who is already doing a great job of making her believe that they have this epic final two together. Honestly, Chelsie could probably bring her to the end and be just fine — but why take the chance? The two complained about Cam not winning a comp lately, and he is probably who Chelsie really wants at the end. He’s a great guy, but how much of a resume does he have at this point?
Related – See more thoughts on the Big Brother 26 Double Eviction tonight
What do you think that Makensy should do with her power within the Big Brother 26 game today?
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