Survivor 47 episode 2 sneak peek: Enabling Andy

Survivor 47
Photo: CBS

Today CBS released some new sneak peeks entering Survivor 47 episode 2, and let’s just say we are pretty fascinating by the dynamics at Gata.

After all, on this past episode the yellow tribe eliminated famed podcaster Jon Lovett, a move that still legitimately shocks us given that Andy was so transparent publicly about being on the outs of his tribe. It feels like it would have been easy to boot him, but the players determined that it made more sense to keep him for some of his physical attributes in challenges.

Now, the latest sneak peeks here indicate that moving forward, we are going to be seeing Andy treated almost like a glorified mascot — which is a little disheartening but at the same time, it’s a game. Everyone wants him to be included in the tribe dynamics, which is why there is so much work being done to encourage him. However, at the same time it is equally clear that they are using him and plan on booting him whenever the opportunity is put upon them.

What we tend to think Gata is doing here is preparing in the event that Andy is still there during a tribe swap — they don’t want him to flip! Yet, he is clearly so insecure about his placement right now that we have to imagine that he could end up jumping ship … but that’s an issue for down the road.

For now, we remain innately fascinated by what we are seeing with him in the game. This is not a repeat of the Bhanu situation, as Andy is clearly an asset in challenges in the way that Bhanu was not last season. He also may be more aware of the game, but his paranoia 100% gets the worst of him.

Related Be sure to get some more news entering the next Survivor 47 episode — what else can you expect?

Do you think that Andy has any chance of making it far on Survivor 47?

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