Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Will T’kor or Rubina be evicted?

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Today is day 66 in Big Brother 26, and another eviction is right around the corner. Who is about to be sent out of the game?

For most of yesterday, there was a lot of uncertainty about Rubina versus T’kor. At first, it felt like T’kor was a goner. Then, it seemed like Chelsie mounted a great effort to save her. Then, she was in danger again but it was far from a sure thing. Chelsie’s own closeness to T’kor, plus also Chelsie’s actions throughout Jankie World to Cam, opened a door for him to make a move contrary to what she wanted, and he was the all-important swing here.

So where do things stand this morning? Well, it seems for now that T’kor will be evicted, as this is what Cam has indicated to Leah for now. Yet, this is a season where things have changed at the last minute and we saw Kimo sway people earlier this season with just his speech! Anything can still happen, and all of this may create a really chaotic situation where Chelsie ends this week on the outs. It may be easy to count her out, but she’s also such a good player that we still think she could easily win.

If T’kor does go tonight, we are going to be left with some interesting groupings here in Angela / Leah, Rubina / Kimo, Cam / Chelsie (we still think they’ll be a strategic duo to some extent), and then Makensy just moving around to wherever makes the most sense for her. The show announced last night that we’ll see at least the start of the next Head of Household on the episode tonight, so it could be everything from a Q&A to a challenge like the classic slip-and-slide. If we get the latter, it is really just between Cam or Makensy to take it home.

What can T’kor do today?

It is simple: Try to appeal hard to Cam. Also, have Chelsie do the same. We don’t think Angela or Makensy is going to budge with taking her out.

Related Be sure to get some more updates regarding Big Brother 26 right now

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