Industry season 3 episode 6: How did Yasmin’s father die?

Industry season 3
Photo: HBO

Tonight, Industry season 3 episode 6 finally solved a question that has been out there for a while — what happened to Yasmin’s father?

With the way in which this past episode of the show concluded, it was easy to assume that Yasmin actually killed her dad. Did that actually happen? Not exactly. What happened instead is that her father jumped overboard in order to prove a point after she said that she wished he was dead. Then, when he called for help, she decided against it and left him to drown. This is something that she now sits with for the rest of her life.

Speaking in a new interview with Deadline, here is what executive producer Konrad Kay had to say about this particular story:

The show has never traded in anything like this before. So we approached it in the writers room with a fair bit of caution. We liked the idea of a mystery box. We felt that it was an organic thing to flesh out more depth. When we cast Adam [Levy] as Charles in Season 2, we were drip feeding some sort of trauma, some sort of key to Yasmin’s character through her father. Adam was a great actor. He had a kind of charm and a slipperiness which lent itself very well to what we were trying to do with him. We wanted something seismic to happen to Yasmin between seasons. We knew that if we wanted to tease the idea of her being somehow culpable for her father’s death, it might be a bit of a betrayal of the audience, given they weren’t set up for this sort of thing in the show, if she outright killed him, but we thought that this felt like an organic way for her for her to be given a decision about whether to save him or not, which felt a little bit more [within] the reality of the show.

Ultimately, we do tend to think that the show delivered something that at least makes some sense to the story, and also something that can pay off more and more over time. No matter what happens the rest of the season, we do think it is going to be pretty darn seismic.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Industry, including more news on season 3 episode 7

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