Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: How does Jankie Veto work?

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

To say that this week of Big Brother 26 is bizarre is putting it mildly. Not only is Jankie Week forcing everyone outside, but also has introduced an unusual double-Veto twist into the game that could radically alter how things go.

Now, how exactly does it work? Let’s get into that first and foremost. Judging from what we have seen and heard in the house so far, Angela has what amounts to a normal Golden Power of Veto. She can use hers without any concern or consequence. Where things get a bit more unclear is with Leah’s Jankie Veto. There has been some speculation that if Angela uses hers, she then has an opportunity to use hers. Is that true?

Well, let’s just say that this is where some things start to become a little more unclear. Based on a conversation between Cam and Leah, it sounds like she may have to complete some sort of task or competition in order to use it. As for whether or not she wants to, there still is not a whole lot of evidence! Remember that this Jankie twist makes gametalk extremely difficult, and we probably need an Angela – Leah conversation to happen at some point to figure things out.

Per a conversation between Rubina and T’kor, though, it seems like T’kor is more than ready for Kimo to leave this week. She’s also said that it would be bad for jury (what?) if she or Chelsie were put up at this point, and she remains incredibly irritated at Angela for reasons that remain unclear. It feels like she’s struggling the most with this twist and feels like she is the most different out there from who she was in the house for a significant chunk of the season. She and Chelsie could be targets, but it all depends on the conversations that are coming.

Related See more Big Brother 26 news, including on the two Vetoes

What do you think we are going to be seeing with the Jankie Veto in Big Brother 26?

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