Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 9 Veto players

The Power of Veto Competition is later this week in Big Brother 26 — and of course, it is still in the midst of Jankie Week. Everyone has been outside since Thursday, and we don’t get a sense that this is about to change.
As a reminder here, Leah is Head of Household and she nominated Rubina and Kimo for eviction. The target at this point hasn’t been made super-explicit, but T’kor has been mentioned as a possible replacement nominee. The bulk of players at this point will take part in the Veto.
First and foremost, we should note that T’kor is playing, and that creates the most interesting scenario where if she uses it, Leah will be forced to nominate someone outside of that trio — and there is a good chance that it is Chelsie in this instance. There’s no reason for her to throw up Angela when they could work together; meanwhile, she has been with Makensy on and off for most of the game, and the same could be said for Cam.
Meanwhile, we also know that both Chelsie and Angela are taking part. Angela may use it if Leah wants her to, but Chelsie has no real reason to do something at this point unless she absolutely wanted T’kor on the block. (She does view her as a threat, but we don’t think she will take a shot this overtly at this point in the game.) Makensy and Cam not playing here is good in that neither one of them would probably use it, and we know that chaos has been one of the best things about this season. The Veto has been used every single week, even on weeks where it made almost no sense for it to happen.
The schedule has been off with certain twists all week, so there is no guarantee the Veto is at its typical time. Just be prepared for a potential wait.
Related – Get some more thoughts on Big Brother 26 right now, including the nomination aftermath last night
What are you most hoping to see on the Big Brother 26 Veto Ceremony today?
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