Dancing with the Stars 33: EP defends Anna Delvey casting

In a few days the premiere of Dancing with the Stars 33 is going to arrive on ABC, and there is still one contestant worth discussing. To be specific here, we are talking about Anna Delvey.
Are people talking about her in a positive way? Hardly, but the network and producers have been blasted for casting the convicted con artist, who was the basis for Netflix’s Inventing Anna in the past. She is currently serving house arrest and needed special permission to even appear on the show, where she must still wear an ankle monitor at all times.
So why cast her, given the backlash? It’s certainly possible that is the point. Speaking to Variety, here is some of what executive producer Conrad Green had to say:
“We’ve always tried to be a very broad church when it comes to the types of people, the types of backgrounds, the types of stories we have on the show … Anna is fascinating to a lot of people, a lot of people have watched the dramas about her life and have followed her story, so I think there is an inherent curiosity about her.
“… Yes, she had the issues she’s had, but we’ve had other people on the show who’ve had criminal issues in the past … She served her time. I think it’s perfectly valid for her to be on the show, and I think people have been really curious to see how she performs.”
Green is correct in that there are multiple contestants in the past who have been arrested or served time; meanwhile, there are also those who have had serious allegations levied against them. Does that mean that it is correct? While we’ve long said that the show better when it doesn’t have a ton of negativity around its cast, the fans will decide how things go. We have seen them reject some contestants with an early elimination; it remains to be seen what will happen here.
Who are you actually rooting for when it comes to Dancing with the Stars 33?
How do you think that Anna is going to fare? Be sure to share right away in the comments! Also, remember to come back for some other updates.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.