9-1-1 season 8 premiere spoilers: More info on ‘Buzzkill’

As many of you are aware at the moment, the 9-1-1 season 8 premiere is going to be airing on ABC come Thursday, September 26. Want to know more about it?
Well, first and foremost, we should go ahead and note that the story is titled “Buzzkill,” and that should be an indicator of where things are going from the get-go. There have been a lot of previews already signaling that a bee invasion is going to be front and center here, but it looks like one that will have a few things that are different from what we’ve seen in past presents.
For a little more evidence of this now, check out the newly-minted 9-1-1 season 8 premiere synopsis below:
THURSDAY, SEPT. 26 8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT – 9-1-1: “Buzzkill” (801) (Season Premiere) Logline: The 118 team battles an “un-bee-lievable” emergency when a trailer with millions of bees crashes on the streets of Los Angeles, unleashing a swarm. (TV-14, DLV) Watch episodes next day on Hulu.
So, how does this stand out? Well, in a lot of other epic premieres, we tend to see the big crisis arrive close to the end of the episode — so really, it sets the stage for whatever is coming in episode 2. It sounds, unless ABC is misleading us, like the show is getting into this crisis almost right away. Sure, there are likely to be a few other stories going on here at the same time — think in terms of a catch-up on Buck’s personal life after all the changes in season 7. Or, what is going on with Eddie right now. This is a guy who saw Christopher move out last season; how is he recovering?
Professionally, we also do think that Bobby is going to be on a journey to try and get his old job back. However, this is not something that will happen right away…
Related – Check out some more news on 9-1-1 season 8, including some other previews for what’s to come!
What do you think will be most interesting entering the 9-1-1 season 8 premiere?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.