Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Post Veto Ceremony confusion?

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

We’ve made it clear that Big Brother 26 is one of the more insane seasons of the show we’ve had in some time and ultimately, we do have further proof of that now.

What’s the biggest evidence we’ve got? Well, let’s just say that it has a thing or two to do with some actual indecision as to what’s next following the Veto Ceremony. Even though Makensy made the big move to save Angela (which led to Chelsie deciding to put Quinn on the block), she’s still acting like there is some huge decision to make about what is going to happen from here. She continues to be an absolutely baffling player and while that’s frustrating to watch, it can also be pretty fun.

In the time that followed the Ceremony in the house, we saw Makensy have a conversation with Chelsie where she wondered whether or not the trio of Kimo, T’kor, and Rubina are actually a bigger threat than Quinn and Leah. Some of this may be due to both Quinn and Leah acting nice and understanding to her after the Ceremony, and that may be in part because they know they need her right now. They don’t exactly have anyone else and they know they can’t trust Chelsie. Meanwhile, Chelsie has already tried to assure Makensy that getting rid of Quinn is the best move for both of their games and they can win competitions against the trio.

Here is another reminder that Chelsie is a great player: Odds are, she will use everything Makensy has said today about the trio against her later on if she needs to. She knows that T’kor has a lot of loyalty to her, so she may not be as worried about keeping them around long-term.

The reality of the situation

Unless Quinn pulls of a miracle, his game is dead. T’kor and Rubina are 100% keeping Kimo, and Angela will as well. Chelsie holds the tiebreaker, so she can do what she wants. Hilariously, Angela is probably Quinn’s only hope.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother now, including more from the Veto Ceremony earlier

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