Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The T’kor, Rubina situation

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

How in the world can we describe the events overnight in Big Brother 26? Well, for starters, they were so much messier than they needed to be.

Production decided that for a while, the feeds were boring — and with that, they handed over booze. What did that lead to? Well, truth or dare, discussions about kissing, and at one point Rubina saying to T’kor that she and Kimo were shields to her, which made T’kor really upset in a way that we’ve rarely seen all season. Rubina was erratic all night in general, including a bizarro conversation about Quinn that Tucker was, hilariously, watch part of outside the house.

Is there long-term damage when it comes to Rubina and T’kor’s game relationship? Maybe but at the same time, T’kor realizes that she needs Rubina at this point and the feeling is mutual. Kimo is on the block, after all, and we don’t think anyone is expecting Makensy to use the Veto this week. She needs numbers and at this point, you need to get to three and then you need Chelsie to break the tie. She is worried that Quinn won’t vote their way to keep Kimo — though ironically, he might … just not for the reason you would expect. e do think there’s a universe in which there is a tie vote here and from there, Chelsie is forced to break it.

At some point today, it sounds like T’kor wants to formalize something more with Chelsie and her group, but we’ll believe that when it happens since she’s been talking about that for weeks. T’kor is still in a pretty good spot in the game, but her biggest weakness is that she rarely ever follows up on what she talks about.

Today, we expect a few more conversations … and maybe some fallout to last night’s boozy antics.

Related Be sure to see more news on Big Brother 26 from last night

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