Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 8 nominations

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

With the game of Big Brother 26 now in a traditional place following the end of the AI Arena, the nomination ceremony was a bit more predictable today. Also, it certainly helps that you had a Head of Household in power here in Chelsie who is not trying to be chaotic. As we’ve said for a while now, she is the best player by a pretty wide margin.

Even before the ceremony, we had a good sense as to what was going to happen: Angela and Kimo were going to be the nominees. While Kimo took it without all that much of a fight, Angela of course did whatever she could to guilt Chelsie into not doing it — she fought back at times, but Chelsie is also such a smooth-talker that she was able to quiet her down about as well as anyone has all season. We don’t think that Chelsie is necessarily too into making the target bigger on herself coming out of this week; she is trying to play the long game, which is why she’d be fine if we end up seeing Angela go this week.

For those unaware, it took a little while longer to get some updates here due in part to some “technical difficulties,” which we tend to think are due to the heat that is sweeping over Southern California. (There were also a lot of power outages close to where the house is located.)

No matter the reason, the outages today were far longer and more substantial than expected and it took until 7:00 p.m. for the feeds to eventually come back. When they did, everyone was happy and relaxed, almost as though nominations did not happen at all. Our feeling is that we missed whatever fallout there was, but also it was pretty clear in advance that Kimo and Angela were going to be put up.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 right now, including the latest from earlier today

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