Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Is T’kor too trusting of Chelsie?

Welcome to day 53 within the Big Brother 26 house! There is of course so much that could be happening today, mainly in regards to nominations. Chelsie has won Head of Household, and it seems like she’s going to be one of the few players this season to not scramble forever to make a decision.
Here’s your reminder that Chelsie is the best player in the game by a pretty significant margin. She is somehow adept at getting people to trust her when they clearly shouldn’t fully. Take, for example, T’kor. We don’t necessarily think Chelsie wants her gone immediately, but she has no problem throwing her under the bus to other people — take her suggesting T’kor as a nominee to Makensy next week if Makensy is HoH. She knows that Makensy wanted to use her as a pawn this week, so it charts for her to say this — but it’s also a reminder that T’kor has a little too much trust in her, especially since she’s talking about going as far as the final three with her elsewhere.
Chelsie has settled for now on nominating Angela and Kimo for eviction, a move that is incredibly easy for her to do. If Angela goes, no one is mad; meanwhile, if Kimo goes, she can claim it wasn’t her intention and use that to get closer to T’kor and make it so that there’s nowhere else she can turn. T’kor is considering talking to her about Quinn, but that is more as a possible replacement nominee. She and Rubina both realize that they can probably take him out themselves later.
(We will say this: Quinn is a terrible Head of Household, but with Tucker gone there is a chance he can win a lot of comps from here on out. Cam and Makensy are also strong, but Quinn knows these competitions so much better than either one of them.)
For the record, our hope is that Otev surfaces this week — it may just happen either really early or after sundown due to some extreme heat in Southern California this week.
Related – See more Big Brother 26 updates from last night
Do you think Chelsie is making the right move in Big Brother 26 this week?
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